Download the Church Center App
Not an Android or iPhone user? You can still access the contents of the app on the web!
NEW: Church Directory
Put names and faces together of people you worship with at St Matthew! The Directory is by invite only – if you haven’t gotten an invite, please contact the church office.
NEW: Watch Services in the App
In addition to watching on our Facebook Page and Church Online, you can also watch right in the app!
Get Connected
Find a Small Group and connect with others around the Word of God and prayer.
Give Online
Give a one-time donation, or set up recurring giving using a credit card or a bank account. Optionally, you can cover the processing cost of the donation so 100% of your donation gets passed on to the church.
Events and Registrations
See what’s happening. And for events that require payment, you can register and pay right from your smartphone.
Profile Updates
Keep our records up to date, including phone number, email address, street address, birthdate, photo and more.
Check-In Before You Get to Church
Save time at the kid’s check-in station and check in on your way! Scan at the kiosk and your labels print right away. Take a look at how easy it is in the video below!